Welcome to Macksoft, the web site for my professional activities and interests. I've been a software engineer for 27 years, working in a variety of areas. On this site, you will find my resume in PDF or DOC format, the stories of some of my better successes and some anecdotes of situations or people that I learned from. You may also find, from time to time, commentary on various technologies and industry trends and perhaps a reference to a sandbox project or two.

One thing that has driven my career is the sense that there is a higher purpose in what we do than accumulating wealth. I'm not at all opposed to profits, but I see a difference between a company that makes whatever sells in order to maximize profits and a company that creates wonders that will improve peoples' lives, maintaining its health and profitability so it can continue to do so. That's where the fun is - creating value. So part of what I look for in a company is a place that is alive with innovation and a sense of purpose, a dedication to the beneficial effect of the products themselves.